Be Teflon Tough

If you are hustling in your business, you will surely encounter lots of rejection, unkindness, loss, and psychological pain. The key to success is to anticipate these events and have a “Teflon tough” mindset that none of these things will “stick in your mind” and keep you from success.

I can think of way too many people who fell way short of achieving all that they could become because they lacked Teflon toughness.

If you aren’t Teflon tough, then you’re Velcro vulnerable. Velcro vulnerable is when “painful” negative experiences stick in your mind and keep you from doing the sales activity required to create success.

We all encounter plenty mentally “painful” negative experiences. The key is to picture yourself and your mind like the Teflon pan in the ads that nothing sticks to, and everything just slides off.

Be Teflon tough.

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